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We did it. We made Donald Trump a one-term president.

I am too exhausted to write much, but on behalf of Mimi, Tony, Ted, Scott, and Khary - THANK YOU for voting, and calling, and texting, and everything you did.

It was a squeaker, but Wisconsin has been called for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And it is looking good in the other states he needs to win. Toxic Trump will fight it, but he will lose.

I did a little digging and here is more immediate good news:

Biden/Harris got 38.8% of the vote in Waukesha County. That is excellent - we keep pumping up a little more each election!

Biden/Harris won 15 of the 41 active wards in the city of Waukesha, losing the city by just 2,117 votes. These wards are where we will focus our efforts in the 2022 spring elections.

Biden/Harris came within 2,365 votes of winning the city of Brookfield, thanks to an amazing organizing team there!

Tom Palzewicz got 39.9% of the vote - again, we are making inroads year after year.

We flipped two assembly seats with progressive women, and saved a third that the GOP really wanted back.

And we did it all without putting people at risk with super-spreader rallies, events, and canvassing.

So imagine what we will be able to do in a "normal" year?!

Thank you for believing in democracy.


Kristin Hansen


Blue Sky Waukesha

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